Dr. Marcus Peter, LL.M. eur.


Practice Areas

  • Investment Funds
  • Private Equity
  • Corporate Law
  • Regulatory Law
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Education and Professional Experience
  • Lawyer, admitted to the Bar in Germany (2004) and Luxembourg (2005)
  • Avocat à la Cour
  • Rostov-na-Donu State University and Saarland University
  • Worked with German and Swiss law firms in Moscow
  • Secondment at ABN AMRO Luxembourg
  • 2004-2016 worked with a leading independent Luxembourg law firm, since 2012 as a partner
  • English, French, German, Russian
  • Luxembourg Private Equity Association (LPEA)
  • Chinese-Luxembourgish Chamber of Commerce (CHINALUX)
  • Board member DAV Luxembourg
  • Ehemaligenvereinigung des Europa-Instituts (EVER)
  • Cross Border Business Lawyers (CBBL)