Practice Areas
- Banking & Finance
- Capital Markets
- Corporate
- Private Equity
- Regulatory
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Education and Professional Experience
- Lawyer, admitted to the Bar in Greece (2016) and in Luxembourg (2017)
- National Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
- Hessen International Summer University, Frankfurt
- University of Luxembourg (LL.M European Banking and Financial Law)
- Traineeship at a leading Luxembourg law firm in the areas of Banking & Finance
- English, French, Greek
- Luxembourg Association of Banking Law Lawyers (ALJB)
- Alumni Association of the uni.lu law faculty
- Mössner, P. and Papagiannidi, C. (2023). Luxembourg. The International Comparative Legal Guide to Real Estate, 18th ed. London: Global Legal Group, pp. 115-125.
- Mössner, P. and Papagiannidi, C. (2022). Luxembourg. The Legal 500 Comparative Legal Guide, 6th ed. London: Legalease Ltd, Chapter „Real Estate: Luxembourg“.
- Mössner, P. and Papagiannidi, C. (2022). Mondaq Comparative Guide to Capital Markets, London: Mondaq Ltd, Chapter „Luxembourg“.
- Mössner, P. and Papagiannidi, C. (2022). Luxembourg. The International Comparative Legal Guide to Real Estate 2022, 17th ed. London: Global Legal Group, Chapter 11, pp. 106-116.
- Mössner, P. and Papagiannidi, C. (2021). Luxembourg. The Legal 500 Comparative Legal Guide, 5th ed. London: Legalease Ltd, Chapter „Real Estate: Luxembourg“.
- Mössner, P. and Papagiannidi, C. (2020). Luxembourg: Real Estate. The International Comparative Legal Guide to Real Estate 2021, 16th ed. London: Global Legal Group, Chapter 12.
- Mössner, P. and Papagiannidi, C. (2020). Luxembourg: Real Estate. The Legal 500 Comparative Guide, 4th ed. London: Legalease.
- Mössner, P., Lindner, A. and Papagiannidi, C. (2019). Shareholders’ Rights Directive II: What is new for Luxembourg issuers? GSK Update. Available at: https://www.gsk-lux.com/en/shareholders-rights-directive-ii-what-is-new-for-luxembourg-issuers-2/