GSK Stockmann advises AviaRent on strategic alliance with Primonial

From October, AviaRent Capital Management S.à.r.l. allies with the French company Primonial Holding. With a fund value of more than EUR 16 billion, Primonial is one of the leading asset management platforms in Europe. The company manages EUR 3.5 billion throughout Europe in the field of caring, nursing and education. In the past year, Primonial has realised the largest transaction in the asset class “nursing homes” with the acquisition of the so-called Panacea portfolio of Even Capital (68 caring and nursing homes). On this occasion, Primonial was supported by LPA and GSK Stockmann. With a fund volume of EUR 1 billion and a market share of approximately 20 per cent, AviaRent is one of Germanys’ market leaders in the field of nursing homes.

Since 2009, GSK Stockmann advises AviaRent constantly on the acquisition of properties. The joint cooperation thus has a fund volume of more than EUR 4.5 billion and thus strengthens the joint position in the area of social infrastructure. Due to this alliance, the portfolio of residential real estate is expected to grow about 30 per cent within one year.

GSK Stockmann advised AviaRent Capital Management S.à.r.l. comprehensively on the legal and tax organisation of the cooperation with Primonial with a team consisting of lawyers from Germany and Luxembourg.

Involved lawyers GSK Stockmann: Dr. Olaf Schmechel, Dr. Thomas Derlin (both Leads), Dr. Petra Eckl, Dominik Berka (Tax), Benedikt Kreuder (Corporate), Matthias Kaiser (Employment), Arne Bolch, Dr. Philipp Mößner, Anna Lindner (Corporate / Supervisory Law Luxembourg)

Press contact:
Beate Dünschede

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