Following the publication of the shortlists for the TopLegal Awards 2023, GSK Stockmann has been shortlisted in the category “Italian Desk of the Year”.
The TopLegal Awards were initiated in 2007 providing law and tax firms a platform to present their skills and quality in the context of advising and assisting clients – taking place on an annual basis. The criteria include client service, innovation, specific sector knowledge and client solutions. The TopLegal Awards reward both, teams and individual professionals.
The shortlisting underlines GSK Stockmann’s ongoing growth and development of the firm’s international activities, in particular of the GSK Desk Italy. GSK Stockmann has bundled its many years of international activities into country desks – GSK Desks – to serve its clients’ global requirements, providing seamless German and Luxembourg law services in the relevant region. In addition to the GSK Desks, GSK Stockmann has offices in Germany, Luxembourg and the UK.
The winners of the TopLegal Awards 2023 will be announced on 21 November 2023 in an awards ceremony in Milan; the full shortlists are available here.