#PlanB – Accessing the European Markets

Despite all the political uncertainties, large banks are continuing to implement their Brexit contingency plans. In order to avoid a potential loss of business and/or a reputational damage, banks are forced to progress such plans, given that regulators are not in the position to allow reliance on the envisaged transition period really to come. In many cases, this requires the setup of (a) new subsidiary within the remaining EU or EEA member states. Moreover, many UK market players have not even started their European markets endeavours, but need to do so asap in order to protect or develop their current and/or future European business.
Whether your European plans are Brexit-related or not, if you intend to access the European markets, there is plenty to think about – from individual licensing to reorganising an EU passport system, from risk management and compliance organisation to governance, back-office structure and regulatory capital issues, from relocation of staff to repapering contractual relationships and transactions, etc, etc, etc.
Our conference intends to cover these practical implementation questions as well as alternative options for accessing European markets and for continuing to service customers in the EU/EEA.
The complete programme can be downloaded here. Please register using the corresponding link.