22 May

GSK Stockmann at the DCU Brexit Institute event “EU and UK Financial Services Regulation post-Brexit”

Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99-101
1040, Brussels, Belgium

As sponsor of the DCU Brexit Institute GSK Stockmann will be at the event EU and UK Financial Services Regulation post-Brexit” taking place on 22 May 2023 in Brussels.

Brexit has created significant challenges for policymakers in the European Union (EU), in particular in the financial sector, as the UK is now outside its regulatory framework. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement includes a very thin financial sector chapter and constitutes a limited basis for regulatory cooperation. The panelists will discuss recent trends in financial sector regulation across the Channel, including divergence between the EU and the UK, and the threats posed by this divergence for financial stability and the risks of further fragmentation. Looking forward, the panelists will touch upon potential developments of the UK financial regulatory framework and the EU equivalence regime, in light of a report published for the ECON Committee of the European Parliament (Recent Trends in UK Financial Sector Regulation and Possible Implications for the EU, including its Approach to Equivalence link).

Andreas Heinzmann (Partner at GSK Stockmann in Luxembourg) will be panelist; in addition, Valerio Scollo (Local Partner at GSK Stockmann in Luxembourg) will be at the event.

Further information about the event and details how to register can be found here.

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