Data Protection

Pointing the way
to increased security.

The collection, updating, analysis and protection of data are of fundamental significance for companies. Furthermore, data is increasingly becoming an important economic asset in the age of digitalisation. But even before the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, many people were starting to realise the importance of protecting their personal data. As such, companies have to handle personal data in a sensible and responsible manner and in conformity with the law. 

Here at GSK Stockmann, we use our long-standing practical experience to help our clients implement data protection structures in accordance with legal requirements and the requirements of the supervisory authorities. Regardless of whether you operate on a regional, national, international or cross-border level, we have the special expertise required to handle data protection for complex and global corporate structures. 

Key areas of expertise

When providing advice, we always keep an eye on the possibility of using new and innovative technologies. Hence we monitor not only legal developments, but also technical and technological developments in the sectors where our clients do business. 

We advise and support you from the beginning and find customised solutions for your individual needs. To this end, we attach tremendous importance to meticulously analysing and understanding our clients’ business models. You can rely on our support and competent advice. 

We know where to find the legal and economic risks in handling personal data, and can check whether you are working in conformity with data protection legislation. In the field of transactions, we support investors by verifying whether your target companies comply with the provisions of data protection legislation and satisfy the expectations of the market. 

We place our sector-specific knowledge at your service to develop solutions which are individually adapted to your needs and your business model. Together, we develop a data protection management strategy that is tailored to you, and support you in establishing an infrastructure which conforms to data protection laws. In certain cases, GSK Compliance Services GmbH can act as an external data protection officer for our clients. Based on a gap analysis, we offer advice and support with the preparation of processing directories, erasure concepts, data protection declarations, company guidelines and contracts specifically for data protection. We also offer staff workshops on topics related to data protection legislation, and help you observe and comply with the rights of third parties in accordance with data protection legislation. 

Whether you want to streamline existing processes by using new technology, introduce entirely new processes, or develop digital products or technology for yourself or for a third party – we analyse the legal requirements, pinpoint areas of risks arising from data protection legislation, and develop feasible solutions to avert such risks. With a fully compliant and functional data protection strategy in place right from the start, you can then concentrate fully on your project.

Whether you process data on behalf of third parties, outsource your data processing, transmit data to third parties, use data from third parties, or plan to collaborate on a project where data is processed jointly – we will be happy to draft the necessary data protection contracts and negotiate them swiftly and reliably with your contract partners. 

We follow the latest developments in data protection by monitoring court decisions and the actions of supervisory authorities. We respond to specific questions by providing a first-class legal analysis and assessment of the case in hand. We also provide comprehensive support when communicating with supervisory authorities.

In the event of a conflict or crisis, we respond swiftly and take effective measures. Where necessary, our experienced and expert lawyers also provide support and representation in court proceedings.

Your contact.

Understanding your perspective. And finding the best solution. This is our mission: